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Use the ancient Tarot to answer your questions and unravel your future!

Tarot is much more than a forecast of events that revolve around you, like the planets revolving around the sun. You want to go to an experienced Tarot reader to know "what's in the cards" in order to understand, accept and work through these events and the people in your life.

Every day, people go through life unaware of their relationship to external events. You are much more than your job, social position, ethnicity, family or this-life personality. My Tarot counseling will help you understand yourself in relationship to other forces, people, and higher principles.

One-on-one readings, small group, and parties available. Feel free to take notes or tape session for future reference. Will do readings by telephone or email if preferred.

Set up an appointment or contact me for more information. For your convenience, payment can be made by PayPal (you will need a PayPal Account).

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(Modified: 29-July-2006)
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