17, 2007
3, Issue 8
it's dreary and cold outside. All day long, everywhere
you look its gray and damp. And if we get lucky, December
will be buried under a blanket of snow. However, once
the sun goes down (at about 3pm!) we are reminded that
this is a month of joy and renewal. Colorful holiday
lights sparkle for the Yule Season, honoring the strengthening
Sun. Inside, our homes are filled to the brim with evergreens,
shiny ribbons, and candles. Yummy aromas of sugary treats
and spicy cookies (or at least scented candles or oils)
entice and ensure that we will have a "sweet"
New Year!
Magick Baby! |
main holidays in December are many - Winter Solstice,
Yule, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and Christmas - all are different
names celebrating the wanning of the Dark Season and
the return of the Light. As a witch, I celebrate the
Winter Solstice, or Yuletide, and most Christmas traditions
came directly from Yule. The boughs of holly and evergreens
are symbols of eternal life. And the Yule tree, with
lights that represent the stars, glass balls and other
fruit shaped ornaments represent fertility, and of course
a topper that is a symbol of the Divine Spirit - the
star or angel. These decorations help us to celebrate
this wonderful day all month long. This year start your
Solistice celebrations the night before by doing a Ritual
Sleep, or Vision Quest. Before going to bed on Solstice
Eve, recite this bit from a Scottish Lullaby, "Cold
be the night, lasting be my sleep. Eyes are closed,
sleep is heavy. Bring visions of my soul to me."
Then the next morning have a big breakfast with solar
foods like eggs, pancakes and orange juice. Remember
to wear red or another bright color to honor the growing
Silent Night |
Full Moon is the Oak Moon or Cold Moon. It is the first of
the winter season, shimmering through the snow, reflecting
a frozen landscape. The candles we place in our windows are
echoes of a time when it was crucial to encourage the Cold
Moon to come, as it signaled the turning of the Wheel, bringing
the elusive Spring one spoke closer to our icy fingers. Celebrate
this year by having a meal honoring your "protectors",
your spirit guides and angels, and any other ancestor or deity
you feel close to. Make them each a plate at your table filled
with dishes made of fruits, like apples and bananas, cornbreads
and fishes. Provide red wine or juices. Make your special
meal a full ritual by casting a circle and invoking your protectors,
inviting them to dine with you. Then talk to Them about your
fears and hopes, your angers and dreams. Ask them for strength
and guidance. Be sure to listen as well. And don’t forget
to thank them and close your circle when the meal is done.
Them Ring!" |
important day in December is New Year’s Eve, when we honor
our past and focus on the future. This is often symbolized
by an old man with a long beard (the old year), bowing down
to a newborn child (the New Year). This is a great day to
celebrate with family and friends. Have everyone wear a new
piece of clothing. Enjoy a large feast that continues through
out the night. Dance and play games. Have everyone write an
old habit or negative trait on a piece of paper. Have the
young ones in the family collect all the papers in a basket.
Then have the kids stuff the papers into a small scarecrow
or corn dolly – that they made earlier in the day while the
adults where cleaning and preparing for the party! At midnight,
throw the dollies into the fire, cheer and play noisemakers
to ward off any impending dangers. Kiss loved ones for luck,
and pass around grapes to eat and make wishes on for the New
Year. Finally, have the youngest one in the house open the
front door and great the New Year by ringing a bell. And at
the same time have the oldest one in the house open the back
door and ring out the Old Year with thanks!
Events |
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Meditation - Harness
the power flowing from the Full Moon.
My 2008
of Events will be posted soon, let me know if you have any special
feel free to write
in and let me know if you would like to see any additions / changes.
Also, please write in any questions and suggestions you may have. |