21, 2006
2, Issue 6
Month of Life, Light, and Love
is named for the principal Goddess of ancient Rome,
Juno. She was the wife of Jupiter and the patron saint
of Marriage and the well being of women. The main holiday
is the Summer Solstice, Lithia, or Midsummer, when the
sun graces the world with the longest day of the year
before they days begin to shorten again. The God gives
way to the Goddess during Midsummer. Day and night are
equal and nature seems to be at a stand still. Midsummer
is the exact opposite of the Winter solstice on The
Wheel, and has been celebrated for years. Standing stone
circles, such as Stone Henge, have tracked this special
time of year for more than 2 millennia before recorded
Celtic traditions. This is a very powerful time for
magic as Midsummer marks an "in-between" time.
Some witches wait all year for the equinoxes, making
due with midnights and middays in the meantime to work
their craft.
Ways in Modern Days |
is the time for love, life, and light. Traditional celebrations
included with out door parties, athletic competitions,
and bonfires, where animals were herded between two
bonfires to ask for blessings for good health. I believe
this was done to burn off any vermin, such as tics,
from the livestock (yeah, and the people too - it was
a different time when hygiene wasn't as easy as it is
now). Some cultures even walked the hot coals left after
the fires had burned down, for purification and protection.
Some preferred to jump over the waning fires. These
days we use sweathouses, or saunas, for purification.
Today it's more realistic to have a big BBQ. Cook everything
you possible can outdoors. And be sure to spray for
bugs before hand. For everyone who dislikes using chemicals,
Lyme's Disease, Heartworm, etc. are very real things
spread by insect bites. There are a gazillion repellants
out there, natural and otherwise. Remember that purification
(in the form of de-lousing) is a large piece of what
Midsummer is.
Open Mind / An Open Heart |
Full Moon is often called the Strong Sun Moon, or the Mead
Moon - named for a sweet fermented beverage. This year's focuses
on Masculine traits - ambition, intellect and strength. It
is a good time for communication spells. Wear a symbol for
communication such as "R" or have the kids draw
a picture of a cell phone. Use communication
oil or another spicy scent and anoint the symbol while
focusing on improving communication in your life (this can
be done with specifics in mind like the boss who yells at
you or to generally improve relations in the world). Light
a yellow candle, burn herbs
for openness, such as basil or lavender, and ask Vestia,
the Roman Goddess of hearth and home, to bless your family.
Party...Just to Have One! |
On Midsummer
morning, wake the kids, and go outside and watch the sun rise.
Soak up the rays and meditate on the coming Wheel and what
it will bring you and your family - health, prosperity, and
vacation. Then go into your garden and let young ones leave
a pretty ribbon for the Fairy Folk. If you don't have a yard
or park near your home, a potted plant near a window will
do. Cut back your herb garden, if you have one, and store
cooking herbs. Keep an eye on out door garden eatables so
the squirrels and bunnies don't get to feast before you do!
Or, take a walk outside through the neighborhood or to a local
park. Broken bird shells found on the ground under trees (never
take them from a nest!) is a sign of good luck and prosperity.
Birds are also molting their old feathers, which can also
be used in mid summer magic. Let the kids bring baggies to
collect natures gifts to be used for later crafts and rituals.
End the day with a barbecue! Be sure to have plenty of games
to play, like tag, volleyball, or even checkers. Any food
or drink spilled should be left with a loud, "LEAVE IT
FOR THE FAIRIES!" If you live in a place where a BBQ
with family and friends is not possible, volunteer at a hospital
or long tern care facility, as a start of a new ritual to
honor The Crone by caring for our older generation.
Circle |
Can you believe
that the Readings by Lisa e-Newsletter
has reached a full turn of The Wheel? To celebrate this milestone,
I'm holding a "Tell a Friend"
The person who refers the most people to my website and
signs up for my e-newsletter, wins a Readings
by Lisa Gift Basket - filled with gift certificates,
spells, oils, etc., worth over $200.
Up to 3 runner ups can win Love Jars, Jewelry, and Coupons for services
and products - worth over $80.
Contest ends August 31, 2006. Get started now!
Uses a pop-up box. May need to turn off pop-up blocker.)
on the Beach with Lisa
Every Thursday beginning June 22nd from 7:30 to 8:30 PM. Jenkinson's
Beach North (before the Inlet) Ocean Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach,
NJ. Relax, stretch and watch the moon rise with us. All levels welcome.
Each class will focus on a Chakra beginning with the Root Chakra.
Water and a limited number of matts will be available for use. If
class is canceled due to inclement weather we will send you an email
by 5:00 pm. Please
RSVP with your name, address and telephone number.
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changes. Also, please write in any questions and suggestions you
may have.