21st Marks This Year's Summer Solstice

is a perfect time to do magic of all kinds, especially
love magic. A wonderful love spell is the Aphrodite Love
Jar. This is not a typical love spell, and you don't need
to be in a relationship for it to work. The jar will bring
the love and positive energy that you need into your life.
My Contest! |
you ever purchased a spell, incense, oil, etc., or received
a reading, hypnotherapy, or Reiki from Readings
by Lisa? Tell me what you liked about it and/or
how it helped you. The best entries will be displayed
on my website. The winner will receive a $50
gift certificate for Readings by Lisa. Contest
ends August 30, 2005.
your entry today. |
Stuff |
Distance Healing -
yours today.
Hypnosis Tape -
your session and get a tape free.
for ways to celebrate the Summer Solstice? |
your celebration by lighting a tall white or yellow candle
to represent the longest day of the year, and a short
black candle to represent the shortest night. Spend the
day outside gardening and gathering herbs. Take a walk
outside and leave your shoes at home. Look for feathers
on the ground to use as charms and talismans. Go berry
picking (Wall Twp. has a wonderful blueberry farm on Rte.
33). Go swimming, have a picnic or a BBQ. Decorate your
home with flowers, wear special oil or burn some flowery
incense. |