7, 2006
2, Issue 3
Fresh Start...
the 3rd month of the year, was the 1st month of the
Roman calendar. March is a time of cosmic magic and
surprises. It is a cold, gray month, highlighted by
afternoons of bright sunlight. The Sacred Wheel is ever
turning, and the world begins to renew itself. Traditionally,
March is said to “come in like a lion and go out like
a lamb”. Physically, this is true. March’s high winds
and snowstorms eventually give way to warm days speckled
with green buds on every tree and shrub. But metaphysically,
the opposite is happening. The sleeping, frozen winter
earth begins to awaken with the energy and power of
new life. This marks March as a time of hope, abundance,
and infinite possibility. The month’s major holiday
is Ostara, the Vernal Equinox – a time when the day
and night are equal in length, creating a cosmic balance
that makes all things possible. These days, society
tends to skip the Equinox and jump right to a christianized
Easter. Both focus on renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings.
Symbolized by eggs, bunnies, butterflies, and flowers,
this time of year is associated with Gaia, Demeter,
and Persephone. Ostara gives us the opportunity to see
and value all gifts from God/dess, and to see the harvests
and completions that exist within every new beginning.
Promise of a New Season |
the increasingly lengthening sunny afternoons, both
kids and adults alike are itching to spend more time
outside. Make some homemade kites that can soar to the
spirit realm. Write wishes on the kite tails - or on
leaves, if making a kite is beyond your skills, and
let the wind carry your wishes to the Divine. Dye and
decorate a few raw eggs and one hard-boiled egg. Then
have the eldest member of the family divide the hard-boiled
egg for the whole family to share to keep your family
together. Bury a raw, specially decorated egg by your
front door to protect your home. You can also fill a
red, plastic egg (or blow out a real egg, dyed red)
with a small rose quartz crystal, some rose petals,
and a sprig of catnip to encourage love. And remember,
crushed eggshells are wonderful for your gardening soil.
So dust off your gardening tools and start planning
your spring gardens. Consider planting tulips and daffodils
to encourage honor, luck, and love to bless your home
and family.
Patrick . . . Oh, My! |
The 17th
of March holds a lot of meaning for those of Irish descent.
Much lore and myth surround the origin of St. Patrick’s Day.
Traditionally it was a Catholic holy day celebrating the conversion
of a man, who embraced his new religion so closely, he felt
it necessary to host one of the largest book burnings in history
in order to drive (convert/kill) the snakes (pagans) out of
Ireland. The shamrock, a St. Patrick’s Day symbol, stems from
a tale of how the Christian’s Trinity was explained to potential
converts – and of course how the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Ghost was compared to the Mother, the Maiden, and the
Crone. These days, the Irish utilize St. Patrick’s Day to
celebrate their heritage, eating corned-beef and cabbage,
and drinking green beer. So forget the dogma and politics
surrounding it’s origin! Spend time outside today with your
family. Try to find four-leaf clovers hidden in the grass,
or look for a haze tree. Gather hazel tree sticks or twigs
to use as wands in your rituals. Collect some hazelnuts and
feed them to your partner as a love charm. Just don’t forget
to thank the tree when you are done. Oh, and hazelnuts also
promote fertility – so be forewarned!
Fly a Kite! |
It’s real
easy. All you need is a piece of paper, some popsicle sticks
or tree twigs, some ribbon, and some string or yarn. Take
the twigs or sticks and make a cross in the center of the
paper. Secure them with glue or tape. Then fold the corners
of the paper inward and secure them as well. Now is a good
time to decorate and write your wishes or messages to Spirit
on the kite. Next attach a colorful ribbon for a tail. Now
secure the string to the center of the paper and your are
done! This paper kite is not made to last, so be sure to explain
to any young ones that if the string snaps or the kite flies
away this just means God/dess has decided to answer their
for a Day... |
Be pampered
like a Goddess! Readings by Lisa joins Midnite Oasis to bring you
(and your friends) the Goddess Experience. For pricing and more
information, visit: http://www.midniteoasis.com/goddessday
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