25, 2006
2, Issue 7
Cycle of Life
is the eighth month of the year, named after Augustus
Caesar. Its main holiday is Lammas, or the First Harvest.
Traditionally, this is the time of year the corn, barley,
and wheat crops are brought in. Grain has long been
a symbol of eternity - the birth, death, and rebirth
cycle we all live by. When a stalk dies, the seed fall
into the earth. And from that, a new seedling emerges.
With that in mind, now is the perfect time of year to
do all types of spell work. Place an acorn by your widows
for protection. Clear out bad habits and emotional baggage.
Go out under the Full
Moon and spend some time meditating
on future plans and goals. Try something new like belly
dance or yoga.
Rejuvenate yourself by putting some time aside just
for you!
Vacation |
a mental holiday from work - or cut out early. Take
your kids outside and just see what happens. Spend as
much time as possible at parks, beaches, or your own
backyard. Take a walk after work. Go fishing and be
sure to throw back the first catch to honor Neptune
(otherwise known as Poseidon), to ensure a large haul.
Cool evening breezes are great for flying kites. And
if it rains, spend some time baking cookies or even
try your hand at homemade
bread - and yes, cornbread from a mix counts! Don't
forget to cut back your gardens and plant bulbs for
next year. Have a BBQ. Eating together is an ancient
tradition using shared food to create and maintain friendships
and partnerships. So this time don't limit your guest
list to just loved ones. Invite that nasty co-worker,
the cousin you haven't spoken to in five years, or your
sour neighbor. Serve lots of seasonal fruits and veggies
- bought from local farmer's markets if you can. Hand
out Corn
Dollies or braided
wheat stalks as party favors. Just before the meal,
have the younger family members pass around a basket
with bread in it. Then have the kids tell all the guests
to break off a piece of bread and give a brief word
or two of thanks, for the wonderful food and for the
lovely company.
from Swift-Tuttle |
year, around mid-August, it appears to rain streaks of light
from Heaven. Most cultures have different traditional beliefs
that surround "shooting stars". These shooting stars
are sent to us from the comet Swift-Tuttle, which comes our
way every August. Considered gifts from the God/dess, remnants
from Swift-Tuttle can be used as very powerful
amulets. They have been used by the ancients as button
beads on ritual robes and even carved into athames by those
lucky enough to possess them. This summer, take a moment or
two as the sun sets, to give tribute to the beautiful night
sky highlighted by streaks and ribbons of magickal light.
the Magick with You! |
With all
the traveling around I like to do during the summer, I often
find myself in situations where I'd love to perform a quick
spell or am moved to ritual by the sight of the rising moon
over the ocean. At these times, a simple chant just doesn't
satisfy me. However, it's just not practical to cart around
the entire contents of my magickal cabinet with me. A great
answer to this dilemma is having an altar
on a string. Using a long chain or even a length of black
cord, you can have an entire working altar with you at all
times. I like to have several small charms, easily found in
accessory or novelty stores at the mall, that carry pictures
of the elements, a flame, a wave, etc., my totem animal, and
the God/dess. Do what feels right for you and you'll never
go wrong.
a Friend" Contest |
To celebrate
the first anniversary of my Readings by
Lisa e-Newsletter, I'm holding a "Tell
a Friend" Contest! The person who refers the most
people to my website wins a Readings by
Lisa Gift Basket - filled with gift certificates, spells,
oils, etc., worth over $200.
Up to 3 runner ups can win Love Jars, Jewelry, and Coupons for services
and products - worth over $80.
Contest ends August 31, 2006!
Uses a pop-up box. May need to turn off pop-up blocker.)
your calendars...
Yoga on the Beach with LISA,
Thursday, July 27-August 10th
Reiki Share, Sunday, July 30th
Moonlight Meditation with LISA,
Wednesday, August 9th
>> Wicca
101Class, Sunday, August 13th
are limited, so check out my Calendar
and sign
up for your class today!
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may have.