6, 2008
4, Issue 1
Your Mind"
hot. It's cold. Sweaters and then T-shirts. But there
is a reason for all this craziness. February is a time
when the earth starts to stir from it long Dark Nap.
It’s a time when we look deep inside ourselves, block
out all the mess and stress around us, and find our
Inner Light - our creative fires. The main holiday in
February is Imbolc or Bridget’s Day. Bridget is the
goddess of (or patron saint, depending on your belief
system) creativity in the form of healing, black smithing,
and poetry. Find your creative side this year. Light
as many white candles as you can. Put some clean snow
in a bowl (if you have no snow due to the 70-degree
weather like me, use ice from the fridge or rain water,
light the candles and visualize inspiration flowing
into the water. Let the candles burn out as you meditate.
Then drink the water. Also on Bridget's Day we take
bundles of corn, dress them in ribbon and lace and hang
them on our front doors to bring prosperity and fertility
into our homes. It's also a great day to do healing
and love spells.
Before... |
month's Full and New Moons share a common theme of inspiration
and creativity, release and renewal. Start by cleaning
your personal space, or at least make a few neat and
manageable piles. Then make a list of all the bad habits
and negative things (or people) in your life. Light
a black candle and burn the list in the flame. Then
light a white candle and ask fore the ability to receive
- love, success, whatever you need right now.
Leap |

This year
is very special because it is a leap year. Occurring only
once every four years, traditionally, Leap Day is a day when
women could propose to men. Thankfully, today women don’t
have to wait four years to speak our minds. So take some time
off of your “regular” life and have some fun by trying some
thing new and exciting!
Hearts, & Flowers, Oh My! |
is a month full of sensations. Bright colors, chocolatey candies,
and lacey hearts. All this calls to mind that chubby checked
sniper-in-the-diaper, which - in my opinion - needs thick
thick glasses! Anyway, live it up this Valentine’s Day by
indulging all your senses. Surround yourself and a loved one
with scented candles, soft silky clothing, you get the idea!
No special someone this year? Grab a bunch of like-minded
friends and make a night of it. Dinner, dancing, lots of food,
and special divinations and maybe even a love spell or two!
Hate cupid more than your veggies? Stay at home, put on your
PJ’s, watch a horror flick, and pig out on sweet, sticky junk
foods until you pass out!

Your Calendars... |
Specials |
I Class - Study the simple,
yet profound system of natural healing for body and mind.
Layla Hafla - Bi-monthly
Hafla/Showcase! Dancing, shopping, food, music and more!
Meditation - Harness
the power flowing from the Full Moon.
Cards 101 - Learn how to look into the past, analyze
the present, and unveil the future!
See my
2008 Calendar
of Events for more information.
off all love
spells, oils and incense
lover's readings with every tarot appointment
- Buy
one reading and get a 2nd one for your partner for free.
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may have.